
Wolfstar archers welcomes you to the Beginners Class of January 2025. This course will be six weeks long and will be run on a Monday night at Newbattle Community Learning centre and will start at 18:30 and aim to finish no later than 21:00 hrs. It will give you a full introduction to field archery and allow you to gain the skills to become a member of Wolfstar or any other Archery club as we follow the teaching methods outlined by world archery. 

To help us record your time with us and your archery journey we ask you to fill out the below form instructions will be given if these are not able to be followed just skip to the next section. 

To help communication during the course we have created a whats app group for this class. this group can be used incase of adverse weather or if we need to cancel a night for any reason. The centre front door is to remain locked whilst unattended you can also use this group to gain access to the centre. To join this chat please follow the below link

Wolfstar Class of Jan 2025

Notes and tips to fill in the Archer infomation on this page.

Name, Your Full Name even if you are not participating and just supervising please add so we know who is with whom, if you are not participating and just supervising all under 18 must have a guardian present for all nights of the course.

Age range, this is in line with the shooting ages of the IFAA

Email a contact email for each archer

Phone number for the archer

If you are supervising a an under 18 and their names, if this is to change week by week please ask all supervising adults to fill in this form. 

Emergency contact of someone you wish us to contact if there is a problem and their phone number.

Hand preference is what hand you would write with

Eye dominance can be found by watching this you tube video 

Draw length can be found by watching this you tube video

There is also a  text box at the bottom of the form to inform the coaches of any concerns or difficulties you may have so we can best help you enjoy the archery.

To fill in for more than one person please refresh this page and the form will reset. .

Archer Infomation

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